Carajillo de Olla
Procedure: Cool a short glass and strain excess water, Add all the ingredients to a shaker, Shake vigorously for 15 seconds, Throw, Double strain, Garnish with peanut crumb and a mint leaf in the center.
60 ml:
Cold brew coffee
60 ml:
peanut milk
22 ml:
Piloncillo honey
30 ml:
Raicilla Tesoro del Oeste
1 G:
peanut crumb
1 Pza.:
Peppermint leaf
Recommended with:
Raicilla Tesoro del Oeste

Procedure: Frost tall glass with rosemary and pepper salt, Cool glass, Add beer and tonic water, Add the rest of the liquids and mix, Garnish with celery.
45 ml.:
Raicilla Tesoro del Oeste Azul
60 ml.:
Celery Shrub
30 ml:
light beer
30 ml.:
Tonic water
3 G:
rosemary salt and pepper
1 pc
Recommended with
Raicilla Tesoro del Oeste Azul

Procedure: Frost a short glass with citrus salt, Cool a short glass, Add all the ingredients to a shaker with ice and shake vigorously, Remove excess water from the cold glass and strain the cocktail, Garnish with dehydrated green apple.
45 ml:
Tesoro del Oeste Clásica
60 ml:
Green apple, lime and chamomile cordial
3 G:
citrus salt
1 pc:
Dehydrated green apple with passion fruit seed
Recommended with:
Raicilla Tesoro del Oeste Clásica

Sierra Tropical
Procedure: Frost a short glass with hibiscus salt, add ice and cool Add all the ingredients to a shaker and add ice Shake vigorously for 15 seconds to foam Strain into a short glass Garnish with dehydrated pineapple with […]
45 ml:
Raicilla Tesoro del Oeste
10 ml:
Persian Lemon Juice
30 ml:
Bee honey syrup
45 ml:
Pineapple juice
30 ml:
Passion fruit pulp
3 grs:
Jamaican salt
2 pcs:
Small mint leaf
Recommended with:
Raicilla Tesoro del Oeste